Menstruation as a spiritual practice.
What if spirituality wasn’t “out there”? What if it was right within the place that has been made out to be taboo? I am speaking of menstruation, our period. Even the word can bring up a lot for people. What do you feel in your body when you hear the word or when you say it? I find it interesting how it has been shut down in a lot of ways within our modern world. When, ancient cultures of the past have utilized it as a monthly ceremony, not only for the woman, but for the surrounding community. So why is menstruation so special in my eyes? Years back, I lost my period for 6 months during a stressful healing crisis. I was relieved at the beginning to know that I didn’t have to “deal” with it anymore. Yet, as time went on, I naturally began to become curious as to why it went away and I found something deeper within myself that knew my period was an important part of my wellness as a woman. As I prayed for it back, I was initiated into my womanhood in a newly reclaimed way. I was flooded with gratitude as my blood blessed me again. I knew this was a sign that my health was increasing. Since that reclamation of my blood, I began to view my monthly menstruation as a naturally occurring blessing, the reason that we are all here is because a woman bleeds.
I have been concerned when I hear so many stories of women being prescribed hormonal birth control, even when it’s not necessary, which is most of the time. It makes me wonder, how much of the industry is un-informed on the actual cycles of a womans body. This is a reason why I specialize my work in woman’s wellness, it is important that we are aware of our cycles, so we are the ones that choose how we can be empowered by the education of all the phases we go through.
So, how is menstruation a spiritual practice? Spirit is not separate from us. It’s not something outside of ourselves. We are spirits, embodied in this physical experience. So when you interfere with your bodies natural cycles, it takes away a part of your spiritual experience and may leave you feeling disconnected. Not only birth control, but other ways you may interfere with this natural process without even knowing is, hiding this part of yourself and acting like it doesn’t happen, stuffing down your sensitivity or talking about your body in a negative way. Your body stores this as information to hold and create your experience based off what you are communicating with your womb. As a result, you may have painful periods, reproductive issues, pelvic pain, etc. That has led you to believe that your body is working against you or burdening you.
On a very physical level, when we menstruate, the lining of the uterus is shedding. We shed the nutrients that have been built up for the entire cycle, how incredible is that? Our bodies are working for us! Not only as a way to potentially bring in children, but as a powerful creative potential to birth anything in our lives! Such as a business, a relationship, or anything your heart desires to create. Sexual energy is limitless!
Right before the lining is shed, we go through the spiritual process of letting go. Just as if, we were going through the portal of death, we get the monthly experience of dropping the ego of what we once were, to come into our most eternal, potent self. The transition from deep luteal, (the phase right before menstruation), we can often have the emotional experience of self-doubt, things feeling like they are falling apart or criticism from your worldly self. During this time, you may have believed there was something wrong with you or you were diagnosed with bi-polar or other technical terms. This emotional experience is your body preparing you to shed, or “let go”. Looking at it from a spiritual perspective, this is actually a beautiful and natural process to fully transition you into the experience of your eternal, soul self. The self that knows exactly who you are aside from all of the noise, the part of you that has all the answers you have been seeking. The wise elder woman that has the knowledge and life experience to guide you through to your next cycle.
Your menstruation is a look into your deeper vision. Just as winter gives us space to hibernate and reflect inwards, so does this phase of our monthly cycles. It’s a naturally built in spirit quest that can guide you into the next cycle in a more attuned, aligned way. When we slow down enough to listen to the wisdom of our wombs, we can take in the monthly medicine of restoration on a nervous system level. How we menstruate, is how we will step into the next phase following. Have you gifted yourself the space to fully listen…? Put one hand on belly, one hand on heart. Breath and feel what is there. If you have read this far, maybe it is your time to attune deeper to your cycles. Ask yourself if what you have been doing is working for you. Has it gifted you more clarity? More wellness?
I invite you into a weekly practice in the Temple of Yin, Women’s online tea community. The spirit of tea provides a non-judgemental, accepting space to meet you wherever you are at. The online temple space is here as a safe, sacred community to practice silence and stillness through the medicine that tea brings. You will receive deeper attunement with your cycles the more you show up. I look forward to cultivating the most authentic version of ourselves together through the way that nature always intended for us. Wether you menstruate or not, you are welcome in this space. All body experiences are welcomed, valid and safe to be in this sacred space. If you would like 1:1 guidance, reach out to me through my contact form, I am here for you!