Breast & Womb Connection for Optimal Wellness.

Do you feel your heart, breasts & womb physically with the onset of an emotional trigger? Maybe you don’t even recognize the connection that is so woven into the experience of emotions and the bodies response. What I do know, is the women I have worked with and spoken to over the many years of body & womb awareness is, how connected our hearts, breasts and wombs, are SO interconnected with our emotional self, hormones and lunar cycle.

A very common experience is cramping during menstruation, tenderness of breasts, or maybe even your emotional state of being, shortened or diminished your period completely. This is often when women reach out to me in hopes to come back into cyclical harmony.

There is a direct line of energy that flows from the heart space/ chest area, descending down into the womb space. In my earlier years of body awareness discovery, after years of dissociation, I realized how disconnected and numb that line of energy felt within my body. This may be common in the modern day as there hasn’t been an emphasis on the connection to our breasts and womb for upkeep of our wellness.

I recommend to all of my clients no matter what phase of life they are in, to incorporate breast massage & womb therapies, as an ongoing cyclical practice. You may have had experience trying out these practices, you do them regularly or you have never had the invitation to tend to your body in this way. Wherever you may be on the spectrum, this is my invitation to you NOW.

Your breasts act as a conduit of how you give and receive love. They are the extensions of our hearts. “All we do with our hands, we do with our hearts.” This is often a phrase I use to bring awareness to inquiry around how we are spreading ourselves in our daily lives. Even more so, how important it is on a daily basis to bring movement into such a yin energetic space of the breast tissue. It requires the yang (fire) energetic to bring balance & harmony to the heart space. So that all we do from our hearts, we do with a true passion and joy.

As spring is the current season where I am, I bring more emphasis to these practices because it is a time when nature is bringing big changes, winds, blossoms, and therefore, our bodies are doing the same. Having a daily breast massage practice can help assist the natural movement of QI in spring time. Releasing old stuck, stagnating energy from the winter time or dormant emotions that need a bit of fluidity to bring in new energy. To support you in this season, check out the spring time breast massage oil in the shop!

When we connect with our breasts, we are also connecting that direct line of energy down into our womb. Some therapies that can go hand in hand with the breast massage are,

I wish you a gentle, potent, unfolding of your heart & womb. Know you can always reach out to me, book a session, or join in the tea sisterhood to deepen your practices. All of you is welcomed here. From the connection of my heart & womb, to yours, Meg Carolee Pearl.


“What tea do you drink for different phases of the cycle?”


Redefining Beauty