Food Prepping for your Period.

Hi gals, or guys who are curious on how to nourish your woman during her period! I wanted to let you in on my process with food prepping for my period. This has been a practice that iv’e gotten into the habit of since I first started learning about cycle awareness. (thank the heavens!) Iv’e always been a nutritionist at heart and highly value what i’m putting into my body, so when I first started getting familiar with my menses as a whole in my adult life, I immediately began focusing on eating for the different phases of my cycle. I first began realizing the connection with food and how I feel in my period, when I switched from a modern American diet, to a Whole Foods based way of eating. I used to have the kind of periods where I would be curled up in my bed, in a ball crying tears of pain and taking ibuprofen to get me through it. If you’ve been there, you know how dreadful that time of month can feel. Once I made the switch, the painful periods that were a normal for me, diminished and I felt relief when my period came instead of dread. I want this for you as well! Wether you are here to find relief from your painful periods, or you just want to learn how to take better care of yourself during moon time, you’ll find this post supportive. Now let’s get into my process with food prepping!

As you can see from this above photo, I’m a Pinterest gal. In my process with food, I like to get inspired visually and see what other people are doing. In our digital world, it’s so easy to get inspired by all the creators around the world. At some point when my hormones are dropping, I like to begin preparing a list of what i’ll be making for my period. Because once you are deep in the trenches of moon time, you’re not going to want to even think about making food, (believe me!) Once you get some ideas flowing with what may be supportive nutritionally during moon time, you can craft your own versions of these recipes.

My go to moon time meals:

  • Some type of soup or stew, a crock pot is your best friend. Chop all your ingredients, throw it in the crock pot and let it slow cook.

  • Rice and roasted or steamed veggies, adding in extra proteins of choice.

  • A dessert (cause god knows your gonna have your sweet tooth spiked in the depths of moon time like a feral wolf!) mine almost always consists of chocolate and adding in superfoods like beets and sweet potato to satisfy my cravings.

  • Cooking an extra protein dish, this will ensure that you are deeply satiated and re-fueling yourself as you are losing blood.

Below is an actual photo of my food prep list for this cycle, which I crafted for a few hours yesterday and I am so happy with how it turned out! Now that I am in the full swing of my period, I can sink into this phase without even thinking about “What am I going to eat…?”* and getting the sad puppy dog eyes*, I know we’ve all been there…! I don’t want any of us going another cycle un-prepared, hungry and raging at the ones we love because we failed to nourish ourselves! If you simply don’t have the time this cycle to prepare your own food, this is where the practice of asking for help comes in. We can’t always do it all on our own, and frankly we aren’t meant to. Iv’e had many busy friends ask me to make them food for their period, (something I deeply love!!) If you just can’t fathom making your food for this cycle, reach out to a sister or loved one that would find great joy in creating that for you!! The energy that is put behind our food matters.

You can get an idea of how to create a grocery list for yourself with the example of my phone notes down below. I take this to the store and mark off each item, that way I am not scrambling and clueless with what to get when I walk into the store.

Craft your own list based on your desired recipes. If you end up making extra food, you can always portion out food easily and freeze it for the next cycle. Consider this if you are a mama or busy gal that doesn’t like to prepare food that often. I personally enjoy creating something new every cycle and find joy in the creative process, so do what works for you! Once you get this food prep ritual down, you will feel well resourced and know what works for you the more that you do it.

If you are looking to dive in deeper into ritual through your whole cycle, I invite you to consider joining me and the 7 women who will be journeying into sisterhood for the beginning of 2024 in January. This is a space where we will be educated on all the seasons of our womanhood, form a daily tea practice, learn to be in intimate connection with our cycles through ritual and sisterhood. Join the pre-enrollment to be updated when the early bird enrollment rolls in!


Kidney Bean, Beet Blondie Brownies


Living from the ground, up.